
New World Beginnings Chapter 1

nation-land - The modernistic form of political gild that combines centralized regime with a high caste of ethnic and cultural unity. "No dense concentrations of population or circuitous nation-states...existed in Northward America...."

matrilinear - the form of gild in which family line, power, and wealth are passed primarily through the female side. "...many North American native peoples, including the Iroquois. developed matrilinear cultures...."

confederacy - An brotherhood or league of nations or peoples looser than a federation. "The Iroquois Confederacy developed the political and organizational skills...."

primeval - Apropos the earliest origin of things. "...the whispering, primeval forests...."

saga - A lengthy story or poem recounting the great deeds and adventures of a people and their heros. "...their discovery was forgotten, except in Scandinavian saga song."

middlemen - In trading systems, those dealers who operate betwixt the original buyers and the retail merchants who sell to consumers. "Muslim middlemen exacted a heavy toll en route."

caravel - A small vessel with a high deck and 3 triangular sails. "...they developed

plantation - A large-calibration agricultural enterprise growing commercial crop and usually employing coerced or slave labor. "They build upwardly their own systematic traffic in slaves to work the sugar plantations...."

ecosystem - A naturally evolved network of relations amidst organisms in a stable surround. "Two ecosystems...commingled and clashed when Columbus waded ashore."

demographic - Concerning the general characteristic of a given population, including such factors as numbers, age, gender, birth and death rates, then on. "... a demographic catastrophe without parallel in human history."

conqueror - A Spanish conqueror or adventurer in the Americas. "Spanish conquistadors (conquerors) fanned out across...American continents."

commercialism - An economic system characterized by private property , generally free trade, and open and accessible markets. "...the fuel that fed the growth of the economic organisation known as commercialism."

encomienda - The Spanish labor system in which persons were aid to unpaid service nether the permanent control of their masters, though non legally owned past them. "...the institution known equally encomienda."

mestizo - A person of mixed Native American and European ancestry. "He intermarried with the surviving Indians, creating a distinctive civilisation of mestizo...."

province - A medium sized subunit of territory and governmental administration within a larger nation or empire. "The proclaimed the area to be the province of New Mexico...."

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Aboukhadijeh, Feross. "Chapter 1: New Earth Beginnings, 33,000 B.C. - A.D. 1768" Study Notes, LLC., 17 Nov. 2012. Web. xiv Oct. 2022. <>.

New World Beginnings Chapter 1,


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