
How To Not Be Horney

Male envy of women's biological functions

In psychology, womb envy denotes the green-eyed that men may feel of the biological functions of the female (pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding). The neo-Freudian psychiatrist Karen Horney (1885–1952) proposed this every bit an innate male person psychological trait. These emotions could fuel the social subordination of women, and drive men to succeed in other areas of life, such as business, police, and politics.[1] [2] [3] Each term is coordinating to the concept of female penis envy presented in Freudian psychology. In this they address the gender part social dynamics underlying the "envy and fascination with the female breasts and lactation, with pregnancy and childbearing, and vagina green-eyed [that] are clues and signs of transsexualism and to a femininity complex of men, which is defended against past psychological and sociocultural means".[iv]

Theory [edit]

Womb envy denotes the envy men may feel towards a woman's role in nurturing and sustaining life. In coining the term, the Neo-Freudian psychiatrist Karen Horney (1885–1952) proposed that men feel womb envy more powerfully than women feel penis green-eyed, because "men demand to disparage women more than women need to disparage men".[5] This feeling is stronger in men because they desire to live up to the male stereotype of having the upper manus and authority over everyone. Boehm (1930, p. 457) said that when others have something more that we don't have ourselves then this excites our envy.[six] As a psychoanalyst, Horney considered womb envy a cultural, psychosocial tendency, like the concept of penis envy, rather than an innate male psychological trait.[1] She believed that it arises when men think they are not in control and powerful in their lives like they thought they were.[7]

Although Karen Horney is mostly credited with originating the thought of "womb envy," especially in her 1926 commodity "The Flying from Womanhood: The Masculinity-Complex in Women as Viewed by Men and past Women,"[8] she herself never used the term. One early on appearance of the phrase was in Margaret Mead's 1949 book, Male and Female.[ix] Mead may take coined the term.

Brian Luke, in his book Brutal: Manhood and the Exploitation of Animals, [10] discusses 3 ways in which men who feel womb envy may respond: by compensating—constructing a realm of exclusively male activeness, by revaluing—devaluing the functions specific to women and/or magnifying the functions specific to men, and by appropriation—taking control of female person specific functions.[10]

Luke attributes the coining of this term not to Horney, but to Eva Kittay. Only this is conspicuously wrong, as noted higher up. In her 1984 article, Rereading Freud on 'Femininity' or Why Not Womb Envy?,[11] Kittay had posed the question of why there is not a concept coordinating to penis green-eyed and offers the term womb envy.[11]

In Personality Theories, Barbara Engler discusses the often unconscious and indirect means that womb green-eyed manifests. "Womb envy, rather than being openly acknowledged by virtually males, has oftentimes taken subtle and indirect forms, such as rituals of taboo, isolation, and cleansing that have been frequently associated with period and childbirth, the demand to disparage women, accuse them of witchcraft, belittle their achievements and deny them equal rights."[12] Engler besides refers to criticism of Horney's theory on the grounds that it equated womanhood with motherhood.[12]

Discussing the limitations of Horney's broader psychological viewpoint, Bernardo J. Carducci points out the comparative lack of empirical evidence saying, "In comparison to other theorists..., Horney's work has generated very little empirical research among personality psychologists. Although her theoretical ideas were presented in a relatively straightforward manner, they take not stimulated much involvement in others to investigate their validity. This may be in office due to the rejection of her ideas past the more traditional and influential Freudian tradition operating at the fourth dimension."[thirteen]

In Eve's Seed (2000), historian Robert S. McElvaine extended Horney's argument that womb green-eyed is a powerful, elementary factor in the psychological insecurity suffered by many men. He coined the term non-menstrual syndrome (NMS), denoting a man's possible insecurity before the biologic and reproductive traits of woman; thus, womb envy may impel men to ascertain their identities in opposition to women. Hence, men who are envious of women's reproductive traits insist that a "real homo" must exist "not-a-woman", thus they may seek to socially dominate women—what they may or may non practice in life—as psychological compensation for what men cannot practice biologically.[14]

Along with womb envy there are other mentions that also discussed on topic of womb green-eyed though non the verbal name. Michael Joseph Eisler (1921) wrote it by looking at male pregnancy fantasies, not the direct term of womb envy is mentioned but contributed the male envy of female reproductive physiology was directed towards information technology. Boehm (1930) called it parturition envy instead, Zilboorg (1944) called it women envy, and Phyllis Chesler (1978) called it uterus green-eyed.[vi]

Vagina envy [edit]

Vagina envy denotes the envy males may feel towards females for having a vagina. In Psychoanalysis and Male Sexuality (1966), Hendrik Ruitenbeek relates vagina envy to men'southward want to be able to requite birth and to urinate (higher flow rate) and to masturbate in ways physically dissimilar from those available to men, and that such psychological envy might produce misogyny in neurotic men.[15] Moreover, in Vagina Envy in Men (1993), the physician Harold Tarpley elucidates the theoretic differences among the constructs of "vagina envy", "womb envy", "chest envy", and "parturition envy", emotions wherein men suffer green-eyed—"a grudging want for some other'south excellence or reward"—of women's female biologic capabilities of pregnancy, parturition, breast feeding, and of the social-role freedom to physically nurture children.[16]

Criticism [edit]

The theory of "womb green-eyed" or "vaginal envy" is criticized based on the position that information technology indicates how the essence of existence a woman lies in motherhood.[17] There are scholars who point out that the woman defined in terms of her essential maternity reduces her to her gender characteristics and could, hence, be exploited or be divers according to the terms of patriarchal logic and phallocentric impositions.[18] Domna Stanton, for instance, drew from Jacques Derrida's work to support this argument,[xviii] specially, the theorist's position that "the maternal, which is metaphorized as total being to substantiate a notion that can combat the paternal, represents only one attribute of potential female person difference."[19]

See besides [edit]

  • Autogynephilia

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b Horney, Karen (1967). Feminine Psychology. Due west.W. Norton Company, New York.
  2. ^ "Karen Horney | German psychoanalyst". Encyclopædia Britannica . Retrieved 2016-01-25 .
  3. ^ McElvaine, Robert S. (2001). Eve's Seed: Biological science, the Sexes, and the Class of History. New York: McGraw-Loma.
  4. ^ Warnes, H.; Hill, G. (1974). "Gender Identity and the Wish to exist a Adult female". Psychosomatics. 15 (1): 25–29. doi:10.1016/S0033-3182(74)71290-7. PMID 4413549.
  5. ^ Horney, Karen (1942). The collected works of Karen Horney (book II). Westward.W. Norton Visitor, New York.
  6. ^ a b Bayne, Emma (2011). "Womb envy: The cause of misogyny and even male accomplishment?". Women's Studies International Forum. 35 (2): 151–160. doi:10.1016/j.wsif.2011.01.007.
  7. ^ Hockenberry, Lindsy (28 March 2017). "How Womb Envy Has Caused Men to Command Women's Bodies". A Medium Corporation.
  8. ^ Horney, Karen. 1926. The Flight from Womanhood: The Masculinity-Complex in Women as Viewed by Men and by Women. International Periodical of Psychoanalysis 7:324–39.
  9. ^ Mead, Margaret. 1949. Male person and Female person: A Study of the Sexes in a Changing World. New York: William Morrow.
  10. ^ a b Luke, Brian (2007-01-01). Cruel: Manhood and the Exploitation of Animals. University of Illinois Press. ISBN9780252074240.
  11. ^ a b Kittay, Eva Feder (1984-01-01). "Rereading Freud on 'femininity' or why not womb envy?". Women's Studies International Forum. 7 (5): 385–391. doi:ten.1016/0277-5395(84)90038-4.
  12. ^ a b Engler, Barbara (2008-08-25). Personality Theories. Cengage Learning. ISBN978-0547148342.
  13. ^ Carducci, Bernardo J. The Psychology of Personality: Viewpoints, Research, and Applications. Wiley. p. 185.
  14. ^ McElvaine, Robert S. (2000) Eve'south Seed: Biology, the Sexes, and the Course of History McGraw-Hill, New York pp. 72–78.
  15. ^ Ruitenbeek, Hendrik (1966) Psychoanalysis and Male Sexuality Rowman & Littlefield, New York p. 144
  16. ^ Tarpley, Harold (1993). "Vagina Envy in Men". Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry. 21 (iii): 457–464. doi:10.1521/jaap.ane.1993.21.3.457. PMID 8226185.
  17. ^ Engler, Barbara (2009). Personality Theories. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. p. 128. ISBN9780547148342.
  18. ^ a b Walker, Michelle (2003). Philosophy and the Maternal Torso: Reading Silence. London: Routledge. p. 137. ISBN0415168570.
  19. ^ Allen, Jeffner; Young, Iris Marion (1989). The Thinking Muse: Feminism and Mod French Philosophy. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. pp. 171. ISBN0253359805.

External links [edit]

  • Karen Horney
  • Horney & Humanistic Psychoanalysis

How To Not Be Horney,


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